Our Story
Pangaea Brewing Co. was built from the love of bringing people together.
In every culture throughout the world, family and friends come together around drink and food to enjoy great company and make memories. We strive to create a personal experience for you.
Community, quality, & sustainability
Community, quality and sustainability is in the forefront of every decision we make. We are nuts for the details of every brew, beverage and pizza we serve and love to share our passion and experiments with you. Pangaea is here to capture the art, mystery and science of the fermentation process for you to enjoy with us or with your friends at home. Whether its through our beer or pizza, we want to transform the best ingredients possible into a unique experience for every one of you.

How did we get here?
It started like many other great stories, a young guy, Steve, and his buddy have a few beers and come up with outlandish ideas that spirals into an obsession. In 2011, Steve was in college and many of his friends decided to study abroad. He and a friend decided that it would be prudent to learn how to brew while everyone was away so when they came back, he could wow them with his homemade beer. The ideas continued to flow until they decided that they were going to open Jurassic Brewland, a magical land with dinosaurs and beer. Think Jurassic Park if everything didn't go horribly wrong. When they accepted that the science wouldn't be around for a few years, the idea got shelved. While the outlandish ideas went away (kind of), the love of brewing continued to grow. Steve continued to brew and learn about beer from all over the world. Every trip he went on, had to have a trip to a local brewery. These ranged from new craft breweries only a year old to old Bavarian masters who opened in the 1800s. In this time, Steve met his wife, Emily, and their love of hosting their friends and family around the table grew. Trying and making culinary creations from all over the world was and is their passion.
Over the next decade, the idea of opening a brewery stayed in the back of Steve’s mind. The art and science of the entire process mixed all the things he loved learning about together. He decided to learn more about what it would take to make the dream a reality. This led him to move on from his engineering job and go learn from some of the best brewery scientists in the world at UC Davis. The plan continued to take shape as he gathered experiences from more breweries and experimented with different styles of beer.
Emily and Steve looked all over in their travels for the perfect spot to open the brewery but nothing seemed to compare to Greenville. They love the mountains and all of the easily accessible nature within striking distance of the city. The growing community here loves food and drink as much as anywhere else in the world and they wanted to become a part of that fabric.

Our Team
Click on a crew member to learn more!
Brewery Dog
Will Gordon
Assistant Brewer
Will Gordon
Charlie Phillip
Head Chef
Charlie Phillip
Corey Byrd
Owner and General Manager
Corey Byrd
Steve Schofield
Co-founder and Head Brewer
Steve Schofield
Emily Lavender
Co-founder and Head of Marketing
Emily Lavender
Bridget Schofield
Graphic Designer
Bridget Schofield
Brewery Dog
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